Words, words, words...
Words, Words, Words ...(Hamlet, Shakespeare Act 2, Scene 2) |
Mots ou expressions interdits
A |
I agree ( First/In the first place/To begin ( The text deals with ( It enables X to…( Smoking should be banned in ( |
Les Faux-amis
B |
Noms : agenda ≠ diary ; basket≠trainers ; chance≠ a hazard ≠luck ; college≠university ; dramatic≠disastrous ; engaged ≠ committed ; emission ; experience≠experiment ; facility (bâtiment, infrastructure) ; fault ≠ mistake figures (les chiffres) ; infancy ≠ childhood ; issue (problème) ; a journey ; pension≠boarding house/school;petrol≠oil ; rendezvous≠date≠appointment ; reunion ≠meeting ; service≠favour ; society≠company/firm ; souvenir≠memory ; stage≠course/work experience ; surname≠nickname ; utility (réseau de distribution) |
C |
Adjectifs: Actual (réel) ≠ current (actuel); ancient≠former ; comprehensive ≠understanding ; confused≠embarrassed ; engaged≠ committed ; large ≠wide ; proper ≠clean ; sympathetic ≠ friendly, nice ; versatile (polyvalent) |
D |
Adverbes Actually (en fait) ≠ currently ; now (actuellement) |
E |
Verbes : assist ≠ attend ≠ help ; assume (supposer) ; charge ≠ load ; command≠ order ; control≠check ; cope with deceive≠disappoint ;pass an exam ≠ take/sit an exam ; pretend≠claim ; propose ; remark≠notice ; resent≠feel ; rest≠stay ; resume≠summarise ; retire ≠ withdraw ; support ≠bear/put up with |
F |
Participe présent/ participe passé (I am interested≠ It is interesting) annoyed/ing; bored/ing; embarrassed/ing; frightened/ing; shocked/ing |
Uncountable words |
G |
advice (a piece of advice ); energy, evidence,fruit ; furniture, hair (≠ hairs : les poils) ; history/geography/maths ; homework ; information, knowledge, luggage,money ; news, research, progress (≠ an advance), traffic ; (N) travel ; waste ; weather |
Les Confusions lexicales Word confusions |
H |
Noms : a job/Ø work ; thing/think ; experience/experiment ; health ≠ wealth ;hour ≠t ime; person_someone≠people; photograph ≠ photographer; Ø politics/ politicians/ a policy ; relation/relationship; a seat≠ (V) sit; price≠prize; professor ≠teacher; title ≠ headline; |
I |
Adjectifs et adverbes : As ≠ like; asleep ≠sleepy; economic ≠ economical; every time ≠ all the time ; everyday ≠ all day long; never≠ ever; private (adj) / privacy (nom) quiet ≠ quite ; real/really; right/good ;small≠little; sometimes≠ some time; still ≠ always ≠ again ;simple/simply; strange≠foreign |
J |
Verbes : arrive ≠ manage(réussir) ≠happen ; be used to + BVing (être habitué à) ≠ used to+BV(action révolue); become (devenir) ≠ begin (commencer) ; come (venir) ≠ go (aller) ; die (mourir) ≠ dead (adj: mort) ≠ death (la mort) ; bring≠take ; fall≠feel≠fill ; fly (voler) ≠ flee (fuir); hear≠listen ; look for≠look after≠look at, see, watch ; live≠leave ( laisser quitter) ≠ let(laisser faire) ; lie≠lay ; make ≠ do ; stay (rester) ≠ still (adv: encore) ;remind ≠ remember; rise (se lever) ≠ raise (soulever) ; speak ≠say ≠tell ≠talk to ; teach (apprendre à quelqu’un) ≠ learn (apprendre de quelqu’un); wait (attendre) ≠ expect (s’attendre à ); |
K |
Prépositions: across≠through; for/to ; during/for/while ; since (moment précis)/for (durée mesurée); here ≠ there≠their≠they're |
Mots incolores et mots colorés Colorless and colorful words |
Structurer l’expression Organise your essay
M |
INTRODUCTION: In most cases/People generally think/The question of.. is a topical/essential/thorny issue … |
N |
PART1: First/ In the first place/ first and foremost/ On the one hand… |
O |
PART 2 :Then/ On the other hand…/ Second/ next/… |
P |
PART 3: Finally/ Eventually … |
Q |
TRANSITION: Let’s now move on to the question of…. |
R |
CONCLUSION: To sum up/In a nutshell/ All in all/ To conclude… |
Mots de liaison Linking words
S |
Addition: What's more/ Plus/ Moreover ( |
T |
Purpose: In order to/ So as (not) to/So that |
U |
Cause: As/ Since/Because/ Because of+N |
V |
Concession: Although,though,,in spite of +N, despite + N, however, Yet |
W |
Condition: Provided (à condition que)/ As long as/ So long as/ Otherwise (sinon)/ Unless (à moins que) |
X |
Consequence: Consequently/ therefore/ as a result/ so/ that is the reason why/why/hence |
Y |
Opposition: Unlike,whereas, while |
Z |
Time: As:As soon as/ Meanwhile (pendant ce temps)/ Once/Till/until/ while (pendant que) |
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